Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Well, It is about time we posted again. Our lives have been so busy. We were in American Fork, Utah on July 31 for Granddaughter Alisha King's wedding to Tyler Young in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple. We had planned on going on to Island Park, Idaho with Gina and Jack's families, but Mother Nature had another idea!
Friday morning, we got a call from my sister, Pat who announced that it looked like our roof had some damage, but no one could find a key to check on the house. We called our good friends, Luther and Wanda Green who said they would check on the house. Later that evening, they got in touch with us to report that about a half of our roof was gone, but they had already started working. There was about a three inch rain along with that high wind, probably a small tornado.
The wedding was all day Friday, so early Saturday morning we started home. We did make several stops getting out of town, fruit stands, telling everyone goodby, etc.
We spent the night in Gallup, as we had on the trip up (we arrived in Utah on Thursday evening) and drove home arriving Sunday evening-- just as the Green family were getting the last pieces of new steel back on top! Jesse Green had asked his father, "Where is Chuck, anyway." Luther answered, "He is sitting on that hill over there with his binoculars watching and will get here about the time we finish! Then of course, he laughed, as Jesse turned to look at the hill. It was pretty close, tho.
Kitchen (downstairs)
The roof was the beginning and we are working hard pulling up floors, down ceilings, and tossing things that were ruined keeping the road hot to the dump. Also we have gathered steel, insulation, and stuff like that all over an acre or two. One day Chuck was raking the trees, trying to dislodge the 2 x 8s and insulation hanging like moss. He got a trck load
Once in a while, Chuck says, " You think you see us here, but we are really in Idaho, kicking back enjoying the cool and sitting in the hot tub now and then."
We are counting our blessings, thankful for the Green Family who have accomplished miracles

To the east, steel scattered into Walterscheid's pasture. Matthew Green picked up three pannels of steel to drag them back onto our property. Chuck and Billy Traylor tried to turn them over and couldn't lift the stack.
Although this is yukky, we are counting it way down the list, with the death of little 14 month old, Liam; Grampa fighting cancer, and a few other real problems floating around the family, we can handle this.

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