Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My granddaughter, Dawn Walterscheid, (who is responsible for most of our blog, because what I started was "boring") said if I didn't start posting our adventures, she would make some up. I'm sorry, but you can't make up the kind of adventures WE have.

For instance: One day we were driving to Carlsbad from Phoenix. When we got to Lordsburg, NM, Chuck said, " I read where the son of Sacagawea killed a grizzly bear near here. I would like to find out more about it." (He is especially interested because three of his grandchildren are descendants of Sacagawea.) So -- we drove to the tourist information office just outside of town.

Of course the lady knew the story. There is a monument just outside of town. The road isn't too bad, she had visited it a couple of years ago-- only about 30 miles. She gave us directions. Chuck does not know his little Chyrsler Seabring isn't an all terrain vehicle.

Off we go. For those of you who do not know about Lordsburg, it is one of those areas, flat as in "on a clear day you can see the back of your head." At least that is what I thought before this experience! What a surprise.
Two hundred and fifty miles later we finally found our way back to Lordsburg. We had been through some incredibly beautiful and rough terrain. Constant signs along the road were warning to be on the lookout for Smugglers and Illegal immigrants were a little surprising. We passed several Border Patrol pickups pulling horse trailers -- leaving! We drove on, getting lost a few times, one road ended in a little creek with two foot boulders lining the bottom. We might have crossed there if the car could leap from one rock to the other! Where we were was definitely NOT on the map, though once in awhile one of the dirt roads had a street sign such as "Geronimo" and "Batallion". We did find the monument, it was interesting. The event had happened in 1846. Pomp was guiding the Mormon Batallion when he was attacked by three grizzlys, he had killed one, but the others got away.

We really think we may have been in Mexico part of our journey.

Chuck decided not to go back the way we came because that road was so rough... Arriving in Douglas, Arizona, we found the town blocked off because it was Halloween. Children were trick or treating down main street and I think they had a parade as well. We did find something to eat -- no we didn't joining the kids' trick or treating. (we didn't have costumes) a bathroom and directions!!! At least the directions were to I-10.

As we drove back to Lordsburg, the speedometer registered that we had traveled 250 miles after our first visit to the city, at least the roads weren't 'boring' asphalt!

Maybe a tank could get across THAT road, probably not cows, though.

We had a lot of laughs, and finally got home about 2 am. We used to think we were old!

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