Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Adventure

This adventure started out with a rare, calm night at home watching a movie. I walked down the hall, past the pantry which is a junk room right now. As I stepped on the stairway, my mind played back the scene. 'Oh, no, Did I just see a snake in the hall? Yes, I did.' It had a diamond shaped head, but it was small and juvenile harmless snakes can appear to have a diamond shaped head, but the eyes weren't visible. I called Chuck. He came running -- then I was yelling, "Stop."

"Is that what I think it is?"

"It is a snake, but I can't tell what kind."

He grabbed a broom and pinned it. Then there was no doubt it was a rattlesnake. Fortunately he had a five pound hammer sitting on his side of the situation, he played hero and dispatched Mr. Snake to the next world.

He said it is a little difficult getting used to some inhabitants in this house. (That may include me, sometimes)

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