Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jessah and CHUCKERS

This is mostly pictures. Jessah, 5, immediately warmed up to Chuck. She tried to call him Grampa, but he just couldn't hear that. Then she called him CHUCKERS, and startled as he is, he can definitely hear that! It is never soft and is usually at the top of her lungs.

This day, she decided to give him a new hairdo! For someone who rarely has a hair out of place, this was a sacrifice! She ordered "Bend over, CHUCKERS."

He said, "I don't bend over without checking what people have in their hands."

He was sooo patient

Life after hairdos.


Dawn Walterscheid said...

she could have put little rubber-bands in his hair to make little ponytails or she could have done his make-up. that would have been something to see.

Verna Mogged said...

He said could have gotten away if he had not sprained his ankle playing golf that morning. Rubber-bands may have helped him get away.

Actually, I think he enjoyed it, he just didn't want to admit it.

She works for coconut balls. I provided the candy.